Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses, or organizations. Through the process of Coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life.
Coaching is a mindset, a process, and a set of coaching skills, which result in a transformational experience for both coach and client. You must trust the client to fully engage in the process, and then trust the process to work. Finally, trusting yourself (your intuition, experience and empathy) creates an environment where the client can show up in all of their greatness.
The Coaching Process:
The entire session/process begins with the client’s desired goals or takeaways, which extend for the duration of the coaching relationship, as well as each session. The coach assists the client in the process of breaking things down into manageable pieces, discovering different options, clearing away obstacles, celebrating success, evaluating results and refining next steps.
In the process, new options become clear. Options allow the client to make new choices, which in turn result in different outcomes. Coaching outcomes are in direct proportion to the client’s level of awareness and learning.
To generate learning, a Certified Divorce Coach® ensures that clients are:
• Discovering – gaining insight or some form of new knowledge.
• Applying – using this new knowledge in their life or work.
• Integrating – internalizing the new knowledge such that it becomes a part of who they are. They no longer have to try; it’s automatic and effortless.
Divorce Coaching can be used in conjunction with other forms of dispute resolution including Mediation, Collaborative Divorce, Cooperative Divorce, and Litigation.